Adding a Popup Window to Divi Without Plugins

Mar 19, 2024

Adding a Popup Window to Divi Without Plugins

Divi popup without plugin, learn how to effortlessly create a popup window into your Divi website without relying on plugins. This step-by-step tutorial guides you through the process with easy-to-follow instructions, enabling you to enhance user engagement and functionality seamlessly. Create your Divi popup in a few easy steps.

Step 1 : Creating a new section

Add a new section. Inside that, we need a row with 2 columns.

Section setting :

  • width : 50% width
  • alignment : center
  • top and bottom padding : 0

 Row setting:

  • Max width : none
  •  Width: 100%.
  • gutter width : 1
  • and equalize column heights
  • top and bottom padding : 0

Step 2 : Styling the section

  1. Add an image module to column 1
  2. change background colour of module 2 to black

Step 3 : Creating Opt-in form

1-Insert your opt-in form

2-Add an icon above the opt-in form with the following specifications:

  • Icon: Cross
  • Color: White
  • Size: 30px
  • Alignment: Right
  • Top Margin: 20px
  • Right Margin: 40px

3- Additionally, add a button underneath the opt-in form with the following specifications:

  • Alignment: Center
  • Text Color: White
  • Border: None

Step 4 : Adjusting poristion

We need to bring the section on top of all other sections. To achieve this, we should change the position to fixed. To do that, go to the section settings, then navigate to the Advanced tab. Under Position, select ‘Fixed’ and set the location. Additionally, set the z-index to 100.

Step 5 : Adding animation effect

Now, we need to add an animation effect to the section so that it operates and looks like a popup window. To achieve this, go to the Design tab and select Animation.

  • Animation Style: Fade
  • Duration: 200
  • Delay: 2000

Step 6 : Adding JavaScript code

Adding JavaScript code

We need to add some JavaScript code to make the closing buttons interactive. To do this, create a new section, insert a row inside it, and then insert a code module. Copy and paste the following code into the code section:


JavaScript code

// Include jQuery library
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Functionality to handle click event on the close button
    $(".closeBtn").on("click", function(event) {
        event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior of the button click
        console.log("Button clicked, preventing default behavior.");
        myFunction(); // Call the custom function myFunction
    // Custom function to hide the popup
    function myFunction() {
        var myDiv = $("#myPopup"); // Select the popup element by its ID
        myDiv.hide(); // Hide the popup element using jQuery hide() method
        // Alternatively, you can use: myDiv.css("display", "none");

Step 7 : Assigning the defined classes tpo modules

Assign the defined class to modules

1-Add the class defined in the code (“closeBtn”) to the closing icon

    • Open icon setting , advance tab and CSS classes add class  closeBtn and save.

2-Add the class defined in the code (“closeBtn”) to the closing button.

    • Open button setting , advance tab and CSS classes add class  closeBtn and save.

Step 8 :Assign the defined ID to the pop up section

Assign the defined ID to the pop up section

Open the section settings, navigate to the Advanced tab, and find the CSS classes option.

Add the ID “myPopup” and save the changes.

Then, save the page, and your popup is ready! 😊